Words are powerful. Words can strengthen or destroy relationships, they can win or lose business deals, they can bring families together or tear them apart, and they can trigger emotions ranging from euphoria to despair. According to the Global Language Monitor, there are currently 1,025,109 words in the English language alone and more are created every day.

Of all the words available to us, there are two that have the power to change your relationships, your perspective, and your life. These words can be said in every known language, creating a shared meaning that very few words can accomplish. What are they and why are they so important?

The two words that can change your life are: THANK YOU.

We say “thank you” for lots of things. Someone holding the door, or letting us move over a lane in traffic, someone filling up our coffee, or picking up something we’ve dropped. And in those cases, the casual way we let it roll of our tongue will suffice. But when someone does something for you, something meaningful, do you stop and really give thanks and appreciation?

We all want to feel appreciated and valued, and when someone takes the time to sincerely say “thank you”, it does just that.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never gone home at the end of the
day and complained that too many people appreciated me.

Be purposeful about saying thank you and taking the time to feel grateful for your life and all of the things others do for you. And if ever there were a time to start being purposeful about saying “thank you”, this is it! Celebrate Thanksgiving by being thankful about your health (even if it’s not perfect), your family (even if they’re a little wacky), your friends, kids, pets, plants, etc. When we focus on what we are thankful for, we tend to find more of it. And when we thank others, they want to repeat the things we are thanking them for because they feel appreciated.

So, THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart, to each and every one of you for being a part of my life. You make this journey incredible. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Thank you Anne for every word you print, every thought you put into your work, every pain you ignored to get to where you are today, every waking moment you spent putting out the inspirational newsletter you send out, etc…

    You are truly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

    I thank GOD for my health every waking moment of my life. I thank GOD for all my BLESSINGS, be it my husband, children, grandchildren, siblings, family, friends, job, material things, spiritual blessings, church, Priest, Sisters in Christ, for everything GOD has Blessed me with.
    HE IS THE AMAZING ONE…. HE keeps on loving us without ceasing. I thank GOD HE never takes a break or vacation. HE is always there for us!

    You and your family will always be in our prayers!

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