Thanks to the owner of SSG, Jon Stigliano, for writing this week’s post.  

Recently one of the greatest leaders and people of our time passed away. John Wooden was not only one of the most successful coaches of all time at all levels of sports, he was a mentor, leader, person of integrity, and inspiration for an entire generation of people all over the world. I don’t think he set out to have the impact he had rather I think he set out to help make this world a better place one person at a time through the people he interacted with everyday. Over the years he touched many people in many ways and even though he was most known for his victories on the collegiate basketball court he probably had a greater impact on the victories he helped teach other people to create for themselves.

How many of us have the chance to create victories for someone throughout the day? If we can stop long enough to stop focusing on ourselves we will see many people who are in need of someone to help them. It could be from a kind word, a little bit of encouragement, support through a difficult time, leadership by example or just a simple smile. The question is, will you be that person for someone today? Imagine what the world could be like if we all made it a point to find just one person during the day and do something to facilitate a better moment or day for them.

A good friend of mine Jim “Boomer” Bain always says “make it a great day” whenever he signs off via email or leaves a conversation, and I would like to add an additional thought and that would be to “make it a great day for someone else”! What a wonderful thought to live our life by. There is a lot of reward and joy in helping other people find success. We enrich our own life through the lives we enrich!

One of my favorite John Wooden quotes is “things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” Who will you help today? Who will you help make the best of the way things turn out? The choice is yours!

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