1. Wow. This is so cool. Loving the video blog. It is very nice that someone paid someone else, a stranger, for their coffee. Thanks!

  2. Our local $3 movie has half price day on Tuesdays. We went there to see Wreck it Ralph (great movie!) and the guy in front of me was trying to pay with a credit card. They don’t take credit cards, but have an ATM in the lobby that charges a $3 fee. I could see him starting to get upset, so I put my money on the counter and said, “I’ve got it.” Best $1.50 I’ve spent in a long time.

  3. It is Monday – but I am just viewing your video blog from last Friday so I didn’t know the content. Actually, my husband and I took 4 of our grandkids to Wendy’s on Sunday and my husband brought lunch for the two men who walked up behind us. They were 2 soldiers from Camp Swift in Bastrop. That is something he does quite often when given the chance. They are the most deserving we think!

  4. I LOVED YOUR BLOG!!!! Last week the person in front of me at the fast food place paid for my order. I paid for the person behind me. The whole experience absolutely made my day. I left the parking lot wondering how many people continued to pay it forward!!!! You’re on to something great. YOU ARE SOMETHING GREAT!!!!

  5. I am so happy to have seen this posting today. I am a part of a knitting community on Ravelry.com and many knitters have made Tuesdays the Random Act of Patterns Day. It is also in remembrance of video podcaster that was suddenly taken from us at the end of 2012. It was quite a shock to the knitting community because she was such a positive force. Although it is something that is usually very big on Tuesdays I’ve found that many of the knitters that participate are naturally giving people and will do random acts throughout the week. I have found that I try to get my random acts in when I can. I used to use money as an excuse not to help others, but have found that even a little bit goes a long way and sometimes opening a door, smiling, handing someone a thank you note is all it takes. These random acts have also managed to make me see the good in things and people first. It is quite liberating.

  6. I liked it! You are a great presentor of ideas…seeing you, adds energy to your message! Keep it up.

    PS: I don’t participate in face book, so I hope you will continue to allow easy access via your email. Thanks! B JS/ers

  7. Cool story on random acts of kindness. My CEO recently did a cool thing in this space. He asked us to go to a coffee shop, buy a $100 gift card, then ask the barista to use it to buy each person’s coffee until it runs out. We had to stay anonymous. Then he told us to expense the $100. How fun is that?

    The heartwarming stories are just starting to get posted on our foundation’s blog. Check it out. http://cvipowerfoundation.com/blog/

    • Hey Lisa,

      That is so awesome! Thanks for sharing. And I love the video post on your blog. The fact that we both did the same kind of post is way cool.

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