A Leadership Lesson from Toilet Paper

So how do you learn to lead more effectively from a roll of toilet paper?  We all have unspoken expectations.  In this case, it’s how the toilet paper should go, but in life, it can be just about anything.  I have learned that most people don’t fail to meet your expectations because they can’t, not because they don’t want to, or not because they don’t care, but because they don’t know what your expectations are.

Gratitude & Expectations by Anne Grady

Gratitude, Expectations, and Ray Wylie

Gratitude, Expectations, and Ray WylieGratitude, Expectations, and Ray WylieGratitude, Expectations, and Ray Wylie In one of my favorite lyrics, musician Ray Wylie Hubbard (@RayWylie) says, “The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, those are good days.”  I think it goes without saying that gratitude is an amazing “happiness strategy”.  Check out this…

Keep Conflict from Turning into Combat

Conflict is inevitable.  Combat, however, is optional.  What’s the difference?  Conflict is about an issue, combat is personal.  Most people are uncomfortable with conflict, but it’s really combat we should be avoiding.  Conflict can be extremely positive and productive.  It can lead to better solutions and outcomes if handled effectively. So how do you effectively…