Mental Health Gift Guide

Mental Health Gift GuideMental Health Gift GuideMental Health Gift Guide Economic uncertainty, job security, politics, the health of our loved ones, home schooling, and endless Zoom calls have made 2020 challenging to say the least. Mental health has been brought to the forefront with almost half of Americans struggling with anxiety and depression. Substance abuse…

5 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health During the COVID-10 Pandemic

5 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

5 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic5 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic5 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic May is Mental Health Month, and in light of the current state of the world, the timing couldn’t be better. Strong mental health is…

Stop Waiting For January!

Have you ever said, “Starting in January, I will…”? In December, a lot of people throw in the towel for the year. They wait until January rolls around to find that renewed sense of purpose and focus, only to have it dwindle as the year goes on. Priorities shift, circumstances change, and life always seems to somehow get in the way.