Keynote: Resilience Reset

The ability to successfully navigate change, rise above adversity, and triumph in our lives boils down to one word: RESILIENCE. When faced with challenges, ambiguity, and adversity, those who practice resilience refuse to let fear hold them back, and they break through the barriers keeping them stuck to not only survive difficult times, but thrive as a result. Learn how to cultivate courage, improve resilience, and triumph over adversity, obstacles, and setbacks.

Fail Faster: Building Resilient Leaders

Agility, grit, and resilience are the new leadership currency. Have you ever thought about all the massively successful products, creations and innovations we enjoy today because their inventors/creators were able to consistently bounce back and overcome failure? Failure is a hot topic in the business world today. That’s because we are starting to recognize that failure is information, and it comes with valuable lessons, if we can shift our viewpoint to see and embrace them.